Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > Setting Properties for Individual Items in a List Box

Setting Properties for Individual Items in a List Box

The properties summarized in the following table can be set for an individual item in a ListBox control.

Property Description
itemBackColor Contains the background color of each item
itemData Contains a specific number for each item
itemEnabled Specifies whether individual items are disabled or enabled
itemExpanded Contains the expansion (or collapse) status of each item
itemForeColor Contains the text color of each item
itemLevel Contains the hierarchical level of each item
itemObject Contains an object for each entry
itemPicture Contains a picture for individual items
itemPictureType Contains the type of picture of each item
itemSelected Contains the selection status of each item
itemText Contains the text of an item

Each of these properties is an array of values, with the same number of entries as items in the list box. To set a property for an item in a list box, you must also specify the index of the item; for example:


The previous example returns the text for the first item in a list box called myListBox.

The code fragment in the following example sets the itemText property for the tenth item in this list box.

myListBox.itemText[10] := "Fred";

See also "Using a List Box to Display a Hierarchy or Tree", in the following subsection.