Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > MultiMedia Properties

MultiMedia Properties

The properties defined in the MultiMedia class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
autoSize Specifies whether the control is automatically resized to fit its contents
mediaData Contains the data associated with the current device
mediaName Contains the name of the currently installed device
position Contains the current position of the medium with the content of the device
repeat Specifies whether continuous playback mode is set
showMenu Specifies whether a menu button is displayed on the playbar
showMode Specifies whether the control includes a caption including the device status
showName Specifies whether the control includes a caption including the medium name
showOpenMenu Specifies whether a menu item enabling the opening of a file is displayed
showPlayBar Specifies whether a playbar is included
showPosition Specifies whether the control includes a caption including the current position
showRecord Specifies whether a record button is displayed on the playbar
speed Contains the playback speed of the device
timeFormat Contains the time format of the device
timerPeriod Contains the timer period used for the notify events
volume Contains the playback volume of the device
zoom Contains the zoom factor of the video image

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.