Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > JadeRichText Properties

JadeRichText Properties

The properties defined in the JadeRichText class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
acceptTabs Specifies whether the TAB key inserts a tab character in the control instead of moving the focus to the next control in the tab order
alignment Contains the alignment of the current paragraph
autoURLDetect Specifies whether the control automatically formats a URL
bulletIndent Contains the indentation used when a bullet is applied to the current paragraph
bulletStyle Contains the bullet style of the current paragraph
contextMenuOptions Contains the context menu items that are visible when the popup menu is displayed
firstLineIndent Contains the distance (in pixels) between the left edge of the first line of text in the selected paragraph and the left edge of subsequent lines in the same paragraph
initialContent Contains the content of the control when it is initialized
leftIndent Contains the distance (in pixels) between the left edge of the control and the left edge of the current text selection or text added after the insertion point
lineWidth Contains the maximum width (in pixels) of the current line of text
maxLength Contains the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the control
readOnly Specifies whether the contents of the control can be updated
rightIndent Contains the distance in pixels between the right edge of the control and the right edge of the text that is selected or added at the current insertion point
scrollBars Contains the scroll bars that can be displayed when text extends beyond the client window co-ordinates of the control
scrollHorzPos Contains the horizontal position in the virtual text space corresponding to the point shown on the left side of the control
scrollVertPos Contains the vertical position in the virtual text space corresponding to the point shown at the top of the control
selectionStyle Specifies whether selected text remains highlighted when the control loses focus
selBackColor Specifies the background color of the currently selected text
selFontBold Specifies whether the font of the selected text has the bold attribute applied
selFontItalic Specifies whether the font of the selected text has the italics attribute applied
selFontName Contains the name of the font used for the selected text
selFontSize Contains the size of the font used for the selected text
selFontStrikethru Specifies whether the font of the selected text has the strikethrough attribute applied
selFontUnderline Specifies whether the font of the selected text has the underline attribute applied
selFontUnderlineType Specifies the underline style of the currently selected text
selLength Contains the length of the selected text
selLink Specifies whether the currently selected text is a link that will be drawn as a URL
selStart Contains the starting position of the selected text
selText Contains the selected text in plain text format
selTextColor Contains the color of the selected text
selTextRTF Contains the selected text in rich text format
targetDevice Contains the device used for "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) printing
text Contains the text of the control in plain text format
textRTF Contains the text of the control in rich text format
zoom Contains the factor by which the contents of the control are zoomed

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.