Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > Fonts in JadeRichText Controls
Fonts in JadeRichText Controls

All JADE controls have a set of font properties (that is, fontName, fontSize, fontBold, fontItalic, fontStrikethru, and fontUnderline), which are defined in the Control class as they are attributes of the control.

In the JadeRichText class, each character can have its own font because the font is an attribute of the actual text. The getCharacterFormat and setCharacterFormat methods and the selFontName, selFontBold, selFontItalic, selFontUnderline, and selFontStrikethru properties are used to get and set the font style in the JadeRichText control.

The font properties defined in the Control class define the initial font of the rich text control and should be used only to set the font at design time (that is, by using the JADE Painter Properties dialog).

The setCharacterFormat method sets only the attributes of the currently selected text or the next inserted text at that point. It does not become the default for subsequent inserted or appended text.

The zoom property requires a scalable font; for example, the Microsoft Sans Serif font is not a True Type font and therefore it cannot be scaled.