Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > Type Methods

Type Methods

The methods defined in the Type class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
allMethods Populates a method set with all methods of the receiver
findConstant Returns the specified constant from the current schema
findConstantInSuperschema Returns the specified constant from the superschema
findProperty Returns the specified property
getConstant Returns the constant with the specified name
getConstants Adds the constants in the type to the specified dictionary
getConstantsInSchema Adds the constants in the specified schema to the specified dictionary
getMethod Returns the method with the specified name
getMethods Adds the methods to the specified dictionary
getName Returns a string containing the name of the class or primitive type
getProperty Returns the property with the specified name
inheritsFrom Returns true if the class inherits methods and properties from the specified class
instancesExist Returns true if instances exist of the class or its subclasses