Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > genAuthChallengeMethod


Type: String

The genAuthChallengeMethod property of the TcpIpConnection class contains the name of the method in the authentication library that is used to generate the authentication challenge.

If this property contains the name of a generate authentication challenge method, the specified method is executed after a successful listen or listenAsynch operation.

The following example shows the setting of the authentication challenge and verification methods for a connection.

buttonListen_click(btn: Button input) updating;
    self.tcp.genAuthChallengeMethod   := "okGenAuthChallenge";
    self.tcp.verifyAuthResponseMethod := "okVerifyAuthResponse";
    // Sets the TCP to listen on the current port.  If a connection
    // is made, sets the status bar to read 'connected' and fills the
    // text boxes with the IP address and name information.
    if self.tcp.state = Connection.Connected then
        statusLine1.caption := "Connected";
        textBox3.text       := self.tcp.localIpAddress;
        textBox2.text       := self.tcp.remoteIpAddress;
        textBox4.text       :=;