Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > endSample


endSample(samplingHandle: Integer);

The endSample method of the System class terminates the sampling of statistics on each of the nodes in the sample definition group for the context identified by the samplingHandle parameter and invokes the following entry points.

The JADE-supplied library closes and releases the current sampling file, which you can then analyze.

You can produce multiple files during a node lifetime, by using the System class beginSample and endSample methods, but you cannot sample statistics simultaneously on the same node.

This method is not available on a Compact JADE node, where it would result in a 1068 - Feature not available exception.

For more details, see Chapter 4 of the JADE Object Manager Guide. (See also the System class beginSampleGroupDefinition method, for details about the sampling handle.)