Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > setHtmlDocumentSource


setHtmlDocumentSource(htmlDocumentName: String;
                      documentSource:   String): String;

The setHtmlDocumentSource method of the Schema class sets the HTML source to the value specified in the documentSource parameter for the HTML document specified in the htmlDocumentName parameter.

This method returns null ("") if the update action was successful or it returns an error message if the HTML document specified in the htmlDocumentName parameter does not exist, if there are errors in the structure of the source, or if the JadeHTMLClass class of the document is in use.

If your application uses the same schema but with different HTML source, you can store the HTML in another object before loading a schema and then replacing it following the schema load process. This method enables you to set the HTML source to the required value following a schema load.

Call the getHtmlDocumentSource method to obtain the HTML source of a specified HTML document.