Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > generateRpsTableCreationScript


generateRpsTableCreationScript(relDataBaseName:    String;
                               scriptFile:         File;
                               tablesOption:       Integer;
                               selectedTableNames: HugeStringArray);

The generateRpsTableCreationScript method of the RelationalView class enables you to programmatically generate a script that creates the tables for an RPS mapping.

The method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
relDataBaseName Name of the relational database
scriptFile Script file that was set up by the caller
tablesOption One of the RelationalView class RpsScript_UserTablesOnly (0), RpsScript_UserAndJadeTables (1), or RpsScript_SelectedTables (2) constant values
selectedTableNames List of tables to output if the value of the tablesOption parameter is set to RpsScript_SelectedTables; otherwise null

The SQL script to create the tables is output using the scriptFile parameter. The caller must insure that the file can be created when called. The SQL script must always be created as an ANSI file for use with SQL Server.

Doing the initial write will do an implicit open if it is not open already.

As the file represented by the scriptFile parameter could be open before the generateRpsTableCreationScript method is called, the file is not closed when the method returns.

You can explicitly close the file using the close method of the File class.

The tablesOption parameter controls what tables are created in the SQL script, by specifying one of the following RelationalView class constants.