Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > type


Type: ASCII character[1]

Availability: Read-only

The type property of the Process class contains the type of current process, as shown in the example in the following code fragment.

if process.type = 5.Character then...           // do some processing here

The process types are listed in the following table.

Value Description
0 Background process
1 JADE development (that is, JADE itself)
2 A non-development process
3 JADE Debugger
4 JADE Painter or JADE Translator utility
5 Shadow process (that is, a process replaying transactions on a secondary server)
6 A JADE utility application, such as JADE Monitor or the JADE Database Utility

As all processes running on the secondary server in an SDS environment share the same node object, you can use the Process class type property to distinguish shadow (replaying) transactions on a secondary server from reader processes.