Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > getTransactionTraceCallbacks


getTransactionTraceCallbacks(callbacks: JadeDynamicObject io);

The getTransactionTraceCallbacks method of the Process class populates the children collection of the JadeDynamicObject instance passed as a parameter with further JadeDynamicObject instances containing the method and receiver for all currently enabled transaction trace callbacks; that is, those methods and receivers that have been enabled using the enableTransTraceCallback method of the Process class.

Each child JadeDynamicObject instance contains the following references, which are of type Object, relating to the callback method.

The process is responsible for creating and deleting the JadeDynamicObject instance used as a parameter. The instances in the children collection are automatically deleted when the parent object is deleted.

The JadeDynamicObject instance is cleared every time the getTransactionTraceCallbacks method is called. This includes purging its children collection.

The following example shows the use of the getTransactionTraceCallbacks method.

    jdo : JadeDynamicObject;
    jdoChild : JadeDynamicObject;
    o1, o2 : Object;
    create jdo transient;
    foreach jdoChild in jdo.children do
        o1 := jdoChild.getPropertyValue
        o2 := jdoChild.getPropertyValue
        write "Receiver " & o1.String & ", Method " &;
    delete jdo;