Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > getTempPath


getTempPath(): String;

The getTempPath method of the Process class returns a string containing the architecture-specific version of the directory in which temporary files are created on the node of the receiver object. For example, this method returns TEMP or TMP, as appropriate.

A method on a specific process instance performs its action on the owning node (that is, a process.node instance) if the process is not associated with a presentation client. If the process has an associated presentation client, the action is performed on the presentation client. The presentation client does not have to be the current presentation client or a presentation client attached to the same application server.

Use the Node class getTempPath method to obtain the temporary directory from the app server.

For details about returning the value of a specified environment variable, see the Node class getEnvironmentVariable method.