Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > getTimerStatus


getTimerStatus(eventTag:      Integer;
               option:        Integer output;
               timeRemaining: Integer output): Boolean;

The getTimerStatus method of the Object class returns the status of a specified timer for the corresponding parameters.

The eventTag parameter is the user-specified literal or constant value that was passed to the beginTimer method to identify a specific timer event.

If the specified timer is active, this method returns true and updates the usage output parameter values listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
option The value that was specified in the option parameter of the beginTimer method (that is, the TimerDurations category Timer_Continuous or Timer_OneShot global constant)
timeRemaining Number of milliseconds remaining until the specified timer expires

If the specified timer is not active, this method returns false. As each timer registration is unique to the process that armed the timer, the getTimerStatus method returns only the status of timers armed by the calling process.

More than one process can arm a timer on a persistent or a shared transient object with the same eventTag parameter value, in which case each process has its own independent timer registered on the object.