Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > getOidString


getOidString(): String;

The getOidString method of the Object class returns the object identifier (oid) of the receiver in a string format.

The formats of the object id for shared and exclusive references are listed in the following table.

Type of Reference Format Example
Shared class-id.instance-id "305.1208"
Exclusive class-id.instance-id.parent-class-id.sublevel.sub-id "66.101.305.2.1"

The following example shows the use of the getOidString method.

getInstanceId(): String;
    oid    : String;
    instId : String;
    pos    : Integer;
    oid := self.getOidString;
    pos := oid.pos(".",1) + 1;
    instId := oid.scanUntil(".", pos);
    return instId;

When you already have the object, calling self.getOidStringForObject(self) is significantly faster than calling the getOidString method.