Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > endClassesNotification


endClassesNotification(theClass:          Class;
                       includeSubclasses: Boolean;
                       transients:        Boolean;
                       eventType:         Integer);

The endClassesNotification method of the Object class terminates a subscription registered by using the beginClassesNotification method for the corresponding parameters.

The eventType parameters must be the same as the eventType parameters specified in the beginClassesNotification method.

The endClassesNotification method parameters, described in the following subsections, are listed in the following table.

Parameter Specifies …
theClass The class for which the end notification is to be invoked
includeSubclasses Whether subclasses are included in or excluded from the notification termination
transients If the user end notification is invoked for events occurring in transient instances
eventType The type of event for which the end notification is requested