Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > nodeType


nodeType(): Integer;

The nodeType method of the Node class returns an integer value that represents the type of the node object. The values that can be returned are listed in the following table.

Integer Value Description
0 Undefined
1 Database server (jadrap or jadserv)
2 Application server (jadapp or jadappb in multiuser mode)
APPLICATION_SERVER + DATABASE_SERVER Application server and database server (jadapp or jadappb in single user mode)
4 Standard client node (jade in multiuser mode; not as a thin client)
STANDARD_CLIENT_NODE + DATABASE_SERVER Standard client node and database server (jade in single user mode)
16 Non‑GUI (jadclient) node
JADCLIENT_NODE + DATABASE_SERVER Non‑GUI (jadclient) node and database server
32 Database administration (jdbadmin) node
DBADMIN_NODE + DATABASE_SERVER Database administration (jdbadmin) node and database server

Non‑GUI nodes include user‑written executables that use the JADE Object Manger API (C++) and the JADE .NET API (C#).