Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > readBinary


readBinary(length: Integer): Binary;

The readBinary method of the NamedPipe class reads binary data from the connection.

If the value of the Connection superclass fillReadBuffer property is true, the readBinary method returns when the number of bytes of data specified in the length parameter have been read.

If the value of the fillReadBuffer property is false, the method returns when the entire message has been received. The readBinary method uses the length parameter as the block size for reading and assembling the entire message. If the length parameter is set to zero (0), 4,000 bytes are used as the block size.

An exception is raised if this method is invoked from a server method when the server node is not running under a Windows operating system that supports services.

This method can be called only when the value of the Connection superclass state property is Connected (2).

One synchronous or asynchronous read operation only can be performed at a time for any one connection.