Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > openAsynch


openAsynch(receiver: Object;
           msg:      String);

The openAsynch method of the NamedPipe class attempts to establish a connection to a named pipe and returns immediately. When the connection is established, the object specified in the receiver parameter is sent the name of the callback method specified in the msg parameter.

If the connection attempt fails, an exception is raised. The connection attempt fails unless the server end of the connection is being offered.

An exception is raised if this method is invoked from a server method when the server node is not running under a Windows operating system that supports services.

The openAsynch method can be called only when the value of the Connection class state property is Disconnected (0). When this method is called, the value of the state property is changed to Connecting (1).

When the openAsynch method establishes a connection, the user-written callback method specified in the msg parameter is called. The callback method must match the signature required by the calling openAsynch method, as follows.

openCallback(pipe: NamedPipe);