Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > MergeIterator Methods

MergeIterator Methods

The methods defined in the MergeIterator class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addCollection Adds the specified dictionary to the merged iterator view
back Accesses entries in reverse order in the merged iterator view
current Returns the last value iterated by the back or next method
getCollectionAt Returns the dictionary at the specified index in the collection of dictionaries making up the merged iterator view
getCollectionCount Returns the number of dictionaries
getCurrentCollection Returns the dictionary containing the last value iterated by the back or next method
getCurrentKey Retrieves a single key from a dictionary while iterating through the merged iterator view
getCurrentKeys Retrieves keys from a dictionary while iterating through the merged iterator view
isValid Returns true if the receiver is a valid iterator
next Accesses successive entries in the merged iterator view
removeCollection Removes the specified dictionary from the merged iterator view
reset Initializes the iterator
startAtObject Sets the starting position of the iterator at the position of the specified object
startKeyGeq Sets a start position within the merged iterator view at the object equal to or after the specified key
startKeyGtr Sets a start position within the merged iterator view at the object after the specified key
startKeyLeq Sets a start position within the merged iterator view at the object equal to or before the specified key
startKeyLss Sets a start position within the merged iterator view at the object before the specified key