Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > MenuItem Properties

MenuItem Properties

The properties defined in the MenuItem class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
caption Contains the text displayed in the menu items caption
checked Specifies whether a check mark (✓) is displayed next to a menu caption
description Contains a textual description of the Window object
disableReason Contains a reason for the menu item being disabled
enabled Specifies whether the menu can respond to user-generated events
form Contains the form on which the menu is placed
helpContextId Contains an associated context number for an object
helpKeyword Contains text used to access the help file while the menu item is selected
index Contains an identifier to differentiate between menu items that have been created by logic
name Contains the name used in logic to identify a menu item object
picture Contains a graphic to be displayed in a menu
securityLevelEnabled Specifies whether the menu is automatically disabled
securityLevelVisible Specifies whether the menu is automatically made invisible
userObject Contains an object to associate with the menu
visible Specifies whether a menu is visible or hidden
webFileName Contains the name of the image displayed in a menu on a Web page