Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > setAnyPropType


setAnyPropType(prop:     Object;
               primType: Object) updating;

The setAnyPropType method of the JadeWebService class is used to handle primitive types that are defined as being of type Any in an external Web service application.

When the WSDL for the Web service is imported into JADE, the properties in the Web service classes have the corresponding types corresponding to the primitive entities; that is, strings are of type String, integers of type Integer, and so on. However, JADE does not permit properties to be defined as being of type Any, so the default type is String for those properties.

You can use the setAnyPropType to specify that the property specified by the prop parameter is actually of the type specified by the primType parameter, thereby enabling JADE to generate the appropriate Web service request.