Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > assertTrueMsg


assertTrueMsg(message:   String;
              condition: Boolean);

The assertTrueMsg method of the JadeTestCase class is invoked by a user test method to evaluate the result of the test, represented by the value of the condition parameter.

A message is provided in the message parameter for the case when the test fails, indicated by the condition parameter evaluating to false.

The following code example shows the use of the assertTrueMsg method in a user test method.

add() unitTest;
    assertTrueMsg("Addition error", calculator.getResult() = 2);

A failure in the test method results in the testFailure method being executed by an object implementing the JadeTestListenerIF interface. For details, see "Using the JADE Testing Framework", in Chapter 17 of the JADE Developer’s Reference.