Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > showCurrentRowImage


Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at run time only

The showCurrentRowImage property of the JadeTableSheet class specifies whether a binary image is displayed in the fixed cell at the start of the currently selected row, as shown in the following diagram.

If the value of the showCurrentRowImage property is false (the default) or the sheet has no fixed columns, there is no impact. If the value is true, the first fixed cell displays an image indicating that it is the current row (unless that cell already has a picture assigned) for the current non-fixed row. The image is displayed after any cell text and takes precedence over the text. A default image is displayed unless a different image is set for the currentRowImage property.

The image is displayed after any cell text as if the stretch property of the Table control were set to Stretch_None_Picture_First (2) and the cell text is displayed as if the value of the partialTextIndication property is true. The effective alignment property of the cell is still used to draw the image.

Row heights and the width of the first column could be affected by this image. The spacing between the image and the text is 3 through 15 pixels, depending on the extra space available.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the showCurrentRowImage property.

table1.accessSheet(1).showCurrentRowImage := true;