Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > scrollMode


Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The scrollMode property of the JadeTableSheet class determines how the table scrolls when using the mouse, determined by the Table control class constants listed in the following table.

Table Class Constant Description
ScrollMode_Cell (0) The default, indicating the table scrolls vertically and horizontally by cell
ScrollMode_HorzPixel_VertCell (1) Allows horizontal scrolling by pixel and vertical scrolling by cell
ScrollMode_VertPixel_HorzCell (2) Allows vertical scrolling by pixel and horizontal scrolling by cell
ScrollMode_Both_Pixel (3) Allows vertical and horizontal scrolling by pixel

Using the arrow or page keys to move around the table always scrolls by cell, regardless of the value of the scrollMode property. Pixel scrolling occurs only when the table is scrolled using the mouse.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the scrollMode property.

table1.accessSheet(2).scrollMode := Table.ScrollMode_Both_Pixel;

Scrolling by pixel is much slower than scrolling by cell.

A scroll event is generated for every scroll position generated, which could significantly increase thin client traffic if the scrolled event is defined. Other than the scrolled event, thin client traffic is not affected by the value of the scrollMode property.

When a cell control is displayed on a partially hidden cell, the cell control is only partly shown. To achieve this, when scrolling by pixel is enabled, an extra window layer is inserted between the table and the cell control. This is transparent, and is mentioned only in case your code is performing some very unusual logic that may be affected.

When using the displayCollection method and vertical pixel scrolling, the scroll bar thumb size and position may vary unusually when scrolling if there are variable height rows, because the scroll bar has to estimate the number of pixels for all of the collection entries.