Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeSkinScrollBar Properties

JadeSkinScrollBar Properties

The properties defined in the JadeSkinScrollBar class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
imgHighLightBrush Contains the image for the brush used when the user clicks on the scroll bar stem itself (that is, not the thumb track or the arrows).
myThumbTrack Reference to the JadeSkinWindowStateImage object that defines the thumb track in the up position.
myThumbTrackDisabled Reference to the JadeSkinWindowStateImage object that defines the disabled thumb track.
myThumbTrackDown Reference to the JadeSkinWindowStateImage object that defines the clicked thumb track.
myThumbTrackRollOver Reference to the JadeSkinWindowStateImage object that defines how to the thumb track in the rollover state.