Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeSkinControl Properties

JadeSkinControl Properties

The properties defined in the JadeSkinControl class and inherited by all subclasses are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
applyCondition Determines whether the border area of a control uses a skin
borderStyle Contains the type of border to be drawn
fontBold Specifies whether the control font is bold when the control uses the default application font
fontItalic Specifies whether the control font is italicized when the control uses the default application font
fontName Font with which the control is drawn (the default null value indicates the control uses its own default font)
fontSize Specifies the size of the control font when the control uses the default application font
fontStrikethru Specifies whether the control font is strikethrough when the control uses the default application font
fontUnderline Specifies whether the control font is underlined when the control uses the default application font
foreColor Contains the color to be used for drawing the text of the control
foreColorDisabled Contains the color to be used for drawing the text of the control when it is disabled