Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > getAllReportNames


getAllReportNames(folders: HugeStringArray input;
                  reports: StringArray input);

The getAllReportNames method of the JadeReportWriterManager class updates the folders and reports parameter array values with the folder path and report names visible to the current user.

The array updated by the folders parameter contains a list of the folders in which each report is saved; that is, the first element in the folder array is the folder path of the first report name.

The array updated by the reports parameter contains a list of report names for all reports visible to the current user.

The folder path is built from the folder names at each level in the hierarchy, separated by a forward slash character (/). Template paths start with a forward slash, but report paths do not. For example:

The following example shows the use of the getAllReportNames method.

load() updating;
    jrwm    : JadeReportWriterManager;
    reps    : StringArray;
    folders : HugeStringArray;
    strName : String;
    create jrwm transient;
    create reps transient;
    create folders transient;
    jrwm.getAllReportNames(folders, reps);
    foreach strName in reps do
    delete reps;
    delete folders;
    delete jrwm;