Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeProfiler Methods

JadeProfiler Methods

The methods defined in the JadeProfiler class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
clearMethodCache Flushes all methods in the cache for the process that is currently being profiled
isProfiling Specifies whether profiling is acted (that is, it returns true if profiling has started)
report Creates a file containing statistics of times spent in JADE methods and the number of method executions
reportCodeCoverage Creates a file containing code coverage data of JADE methods executed during testing
reset Clears the current statistics of times spent in JADE methods and the number of method executions
resetCodeCoverage Clears the current statistics of code coverage data of JADE methods executed during testing
start Starts the capture of times spent in JADE methods and the number of method executions
startCodeCoverage Starts the capture of code coverage data of JADE methods executed during testing
stop Stops the capture of times spent in JADE methods and the number of method executions
stopCodeCoverage Starts the capture of code coverage data of JADE methods executed during testing
viewCodeCoverage Displays the Code Coverage Results Browser