Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > CurrencyFormat Properties

CurrencyFormat Properties

The properties defined in the CurrencyFormat class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
intlCurrencySymbol Contains the international currency symbol
intlDecimalPlaces Contains the number of digits to the right of the decimal separator in the international monetary format
negSymbolPrecedesAmount Specifies whether the currency symbol precedes the negative monetary amount
negSymbolSeparated Specifies whether the symbol is separated from the negative monetary amount by a space
negativeSignPosition Contains the position of the negative sign in a negative monetary amount
posSymbolPrecedesAmount Specifies whether the currency symbol precedes the positive monetary amount
posSymbolSeparated Specifies whether the symbol is separated from the positive monetary amount by a space
positiveFormat Contains the Windows positive currency format index
symbol Contains the currency symbol for the current locale