Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > CMDFileSave Properties

CMDFileSave Properties

The properties defined in the CMDFileSave class are summarized in the following table. These properties must be set before the open method that invokes the dialog is called.

Property Description
allowMultiSelect Specifies whether the File Name list box allows multiple selections
createPrompt Specifies that the user is prompted to create a file that does not currently exist
defaultExt Contains the default file name extension for the common File Save dialog
extensionDifferent Specifies whether the file name extension is different
fileMustExist Specifies whether the user can enter only names of existing files
fileName Contains the path and file name of a selected file
fileTitle Contains the name without the path of the file to save
filter Contains the filters that are displayed in the Type list box
filterIndex Contains the default filter
hideReadOnly Specifies whether the Read Only check box is visible
initDir Contains the initial file directory
noReadOnlyReturn Specifies whether the returned file can have the Read Only attribute set
overwritePrompt Specifies whether a message box is generated if the selected file already exists
pathMustExist Specifies whether the user can enter only valid path names
readOnly Indicates the state of the Read Only check box when the dialog is closed
resetCurrentPath Specifies whether the current path is reset
shareAware Specifies whether network sharing violation errors are ignored
validate Specifies whether the common dialog allows invalid characters in the file name