Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Chapter 1 - Primitive Types > setFromLocalTimeStamp


setFromLocalTimeStamp(timeStamp: TimeStamp;
                      utcBias:   Integer) updating;

The setFromLocalTimeStamp method of the TimeStampOffset primitive type sets the value of the receiver from the timeStamp parameter and the offset specified in the utcBias parameter.

In the following example, a TimeStampOffset value is constructed from a local date and time together with an offset value obtained from the getUTCBias method.

    tso_direct : TimeStampOffset;
    bias : Integer;
    tso_calculated : TimeStampOffset;
    ts : TimeStamp;
    write tso_direct;
    bias := tso_direct.getUTCBias;
    tso_calculated.setFromLocalTimeStamp(ts, bias);
    write tso_calculated;