Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Chapter 1 - Primitive Types > getFloatingPointClassification


getFloatingPointClassification(): Integer;

The getFloatingPointClassification method of the Real primitive type returns an integer that indicates the whether the receiver is a normal floating point value or some other kind of special value.

Floating point numbers can have special values, such as infinity or NaN (Not a Number). Some floating point calculations may produce infinity or NaN as the result of an operation on invalid input operands.

The values returned by the getFloatingPointClassification method are represented by the constants defined for the Real primitive type and shown in the following table.

Constant Integer Value
FP_Classification_NegInfinity 2
FP_Classification_Normal 6
FP_Classification_NotANumber 1
FP_Classification_PosInfinity 3
FP_Classification_SubNormal 5
FP_Classification_Zero 4