Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Chapter 1 - Primitive Types > compareGeneric


compareGeneric(rhs:         Character;
               bIgnoreCase: Boolean;
               bUseLocale:  Boolean;
               locale:      Locale): Integer;

The compareGeneric method of the Character primitive type compares the receiver with the value of the rhs parameter and returns one of the following values.

Value Returned if the receiver is …
Negative integer Less than the right-hand side value represented by the rhs parameter
Zero (0) Equal to the right-hand side value represented by the rhs parameter
Positive integer Greater than the right-hand side value represented by the rhs parameter

Parameters enable you to make the comparison case-sensitive or case-insensitive, and to use the sort order associated with a locale or the strict binary sort order. (These are the same comparison options that you can specify on dictionary keys.)

The relational binary comparison operators (<, <=, =, >=, >, <>), documented in Chapter 1 of the JADE Developer’s Reference, use a strict binary value comparison.

If the value of the bIgnoreCase parameter is false:

If the value of the bIgnoreCase parameter is true:

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the compareGeneric method.

    locale : Locale;
    write "a".compareGeneric("c", false, false, null);         // Outputs -1
    write "b".compareGeneric("b", false, false, null);         // Outputs 0
    write "c".compareGeneric("a", false, false, null);         // Outputs 1
// Comparisons with accented characters using binary and locale sort orders
    locale := currentSchema.getLocale("5129");
    write "à".compareGeneric("z", false, false, null);         // Outputs 1
    write "à".compareGeneric("z", false, true, locale);        // Outputs -1