Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Chapter 1 - Primitive Types > Overview


The type of a method or property determines the range of values that the method or property can take and its interface (or protocol). A type can be a primitive type, a class, or a JADE interface.

The primitive types are summarized in the following table.

Primitive Type Description
Any Represents any object reference or primitive value
Binary Represents binary data
Boolean Contains Boolean value true or false
Byte A single byte unsigned value (8 bits)
Character Any single ANSI or Unicode character
Date Julian day number
Decimal Number with specific decimal format
Integer Signed 32-bit integer (whole number)
Integer64 Signed 64-bit integer (whole number)
MemoryAddress Represents a memory address
Point Represents x and y coordinates of a point
Real Floating point number
String Sequence of characters
StringUtf8 String encoded in the UTF-8 format
Time Time since midnight (in milliseconds)
TimeStamp Date and time that includes combined date and time values
TimeStampInterval Represents the difference between two timestamp values

Primitive types have a defined null value, which can be tested for by using the null language identifier; for example:

if d = null then

You can associate methods with primitive types, but you cannot associate properties with primitive types.

Properties that are defined as primitive types represent a value. They do not represent a reference to an object.

With the exception of the Any primitive type, which can represent any object reference or primitive value, the value of the property is stored in the parent object record when you define a property that is a primitive type. (A property that is an object contains a reference to the object.)

A temporary value is created if the return value of a primitive type method is passed to an updating primitive method. On completion of the updating method, this temporary value is discarded.

You cannot specify the clientExecution and serverExecution method options on primitive type methods. Methods defined on primitive types are always executed in the node of the calling method.