Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Chapter 1 - Primitive Types > bufferMemoryAddress


bufferMemoryAddress(): MemoryAddress;

The bufferMemoryAddress method of the Binary primitive type returns a memory address containing the value of the pointer to the internal buffer that contains the binary. This value may be required when a JADE Binary primitive type value is being mapped to a structured record type for a call to an external function.

Call the bufferMemoryAddress method to determine the address of the buffer when an external function requires a data structure to contain a pointer to a second structure.

Do not use this method to pass the address of a binary to an external function that will be executed by a presentation client. If an external function is called from an application server method and executed by a different process (the presentation client), the memory address is not valid and will almost certainly result in a jade.exe (thin client) fault in the called function.

The method in the following example shows the use of the bufferMemoryAddress method to initialize the Windows SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structures.

    // Current security descriptor revision value
    result             : Boolean;
    securityDescriptor : Binary[20];
    securityAttributes : Binary[9];
    ...   // Call the Windows API to initialize the security descriptor
    result := call initializeSecurityDescriptor(securityDescriptor,
    // Return Windows error if unable to initialize security descriptor
    if not result then
        return call getLastError;
    // The first field (DWORD) in the security attributes structure is the
    // size (in bytes) of the structure
    securityAttributes[1:4] := securityAttributes.length.Binary;
    // The second field (LPVOID) points to the security descriptor
    // Set the value to the actual address of the buffer
    securityAttributes[5:4] := 