Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Appendix A - Global Constants Reference > SDSStopTrackingCodes Category

SDSStopTrackingCodes Category

The global constants for the Synchronized Database Service (SDS) stop tracking are listed in the following table.

Global Constant Integer Value
SDS_AuditStopTrackingAll 1
SDS_AuditStopTrackingNative 2
SDS_AuditStopTrackingRdb 3
SDS_ReasonAdminAudited 1
SDS_ReasonAdminDirect 2
SDS_ReasonAutoUpgradeMismatch 6
SDS_ReasonDeltaModeEntered 12
SDS_ReasonEnablingDbCrypt 13
SDS_ReasonErrorHalt 8
SDS_ReasonRestart 10
SDS_ReasonRpsAdminHalt 4
SDS_ReasonRpsReorgHalt 9
SDS_ReasonRpsRestart 11
SDS_ReasonRpsSnapshot 3
SDS_ReasonTakeover 7
SDS_ReasonTransition 5

These are used in return values or dynamic object attribute values by the JadeDatabaseAdmin class getReasonTrackingStoppedString, sdsAuditStopTracking, sdsGetMyServerInfo, and sdsGetSecondaryInfo methods.