Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Appendix A - Global Constants Reference > SDSEventTypes Category

SDSEventTypes Category

The global constants for the Synchronized Database Service (SDS) event types are listed in the following table.

Global Constant Integer Value
RPS_SchemaTransition 220
SDS_ConnectionStateChange 17386
SDS_JournalTransferStopped 17385
SDS_RoleChangeEvent 22
SDS_RoleChangeProgress 17387
SDS_TrackingDisabled 17388
SDS_TrackingEnabled 17389
SDS_TrackingHalted 17390
SDS_TrackingStarted 17389
SDS_TrackingStopped 17388

These are used in return or dynamic object attribute values by the JadeDatabaseAdmin class sdsGetMyServerInfo method and in the case of the RPS_SchemaTransition global constant, in the userInfo parameter passed to the userNotification callback method that contains one of the RPSTransitionHaltCode category global constants.