Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Appendix A - Global Constants Reference > JadeProcessEvents Category

JadeProcessEvents Category

The global constants for JADE process events for which user notifications are sent are listed in the following table.

Global Constant Integer Value Description
Process_Call_Stack_Info_Event System_Base_Event + 243 Call stack information
Process_Local_Stats_Event System_Base_Event + 240 Local request statistics
Process_Remote_Stats_Event System_Base_Event + 241 Remote request statistics
Process_TDB_Analysis_Event System_Base_Event + 245 Detailed analysis of a transient database file
Process_TDB_Info_Event System_Base_Event + 244 File name and length of a transient database file
Process_Web_Stats_Event System_Base_Event + 242 Web statistics information