Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Appendix A - Global Constants Reference > JadeLocaleIdNumbers Category

JadeLocaleIdNumbers Category

The global constants for commonly used locale identifiers (LCIDs) are listed in the following table. You can use these values with the Application class setJadeLocale method, which changes the formatting information to suppress the regional overrides for all locales except for the LCID_SessionWithOverrides global constant.

Global Constant Integer Value
LCID_Arabic_Bahrain 15361
LCID_Arabic_Egypt 3073
LCID_Arabic_Kuwait 13313
LCID_Arabic_SaudiArabia 1025
LCID_Arabic_UAE 14337
LCID_Assamese_India 1101
LCID_Bengali_India 1093
LCID_Chinese_SimplfdSingapore 4100
LCID_Chinese_SimplifiedPRC 2052
LCID_Chinese_TraditionalMacao 5124
LCID_Chinese_TraditionalTaiwan 1028
LCID_Chinese_TraditnalHongKong 3076
LCID_Dutch_Belgium 2067
LCID_Dutch_Netherlands 1043
LCID_English_Australia 3081
LCID_English_Canada 4105
LCID_English_India 16393
LCID_English_Ireland 6153
LCID_English_Jamaica 8201
LCID_English_Malaysia 17417
LCID_English_NewZealand 5129
LCID_English_Singapore 18441
LCID_English_SouthAfrica 7177
LCID_English_UnitedKingdom 2057
LCID_English_UnitedStates 1033
LCID_French_Belgium 2060
LCID_French_Canada 3084
LCID_French_France 1036
LCID_French_Switzerland 4108
LCID_German_Austria 3079
LCID_German_Germany 1031
LCID_German_Switzerland 2055
LCID_Greek_Greece 1032
LCID_Gujarati_India 1095
LCID_Hindi_India 1081
LCID_Indonesian_Indonesia 1057
LCID_Invariant 127
LCID_Irish_Ireland 2108
LCID_Italian_Italy 1040
LCID_Japanese_Japan 1041
LCID_Kannada_India 1099
LCID_Konkani_India 1111
LCID_Korean_Korea 1042
LCID_Malay_Malaysia 1086
LCID_Malayalam_India 1100
LCID_Maori_NewZealand 1153
LCID_Marathi_India 1102
LCID_Oriya_India 1096
LCID_Polish_Poland 1045
LCID_Portuguese_Brazil 1046
LCID_Portuguese_Portugal 2070
LCID_Punjabi_India 1094
LCID_Russian_Russia 1049
LCID_Sanskrit_India 1103
LCID_SessionWithOverrides 1024
LCID_Spanish_Argentina 11274
LCID_Spanish_Chile 13322
LCID_Spanish_Mexico 2058
LCID_Spanish_Nicaragua 19466
LCID_Spanish_PuertoRico 20490
LCID_Spanish_Spain_InternatSrt 3082
LCID_Spanish_Spain_TradSort 1034
LCID_Spanish_UnitedStates 21514
LCID_Tamil_India 1097
LCID_Telugu_India 1098
LCID_Thai_Thailand 1054
LCID_Vietnamese_Vietnam 1066
LCID_Welsh_UnitedKingdom 1106

The LCID_Invariant global constant is an operating system‑independent locale, based on English (USA). The format of the short date is MM/dd/yyyy and time is HH:mm:ss.

The LCID_SessionWithOverrides global constant is the Windows session locale, including user regional overrides. It is the initial locale for the application. You can pass the enhanced locale support methods that have an lcid parameter zero (0), in which case the current locale is used.