Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types > Appendix A - Global Constants Reference > JadeDynamicObjectNames Category

JadeDynamicObjectNames Category

The global constants for the name of dynamic objects used by JADE RootSchema classes are listed in the following table.

Global Constant String Value
JStats_ArrayName "JStatsArray"
JStats_DictionaryName "JStatsDictionary"
JStats_JadeBytesName "JStatsJadeBytes"
JStats_SetName "JStatsSet"
SDS_PrimaryName "SDSPrimary"
SDS_SecondaryName "SDSSecondary"
SDS_SecondaryProxyName "SDSSecondaryProxy"
SDS_TransactionName "SDSTransaction"

For more detail, see the JadeDynamicObject class name property in Chapter 1 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.