Product Information > JADE .NET Developer’s Reference > Chapter 7 - Developing Applications in .NET to Use JADE Classes > Using JADE Classes in .NET

Using JADE Classes in .NET

The JoobContext and JoobConnection classes in the JadeSoftware.Joob library provide the link between a .NET application and a JADE system.

Any .NET assembly using the JADE .NET API must include references to the following DLLs that are found in the JADE binary (bin) directory.

In addition, a reference to the exposure DLL created using the .NET Exposure wizard in the JADE development environment is required. For details about the exposure DLL, see ".NET Exposure", in Chapter 6.

To simplify access to these classes in a C# project, add the following using directives.

using JadeSoftware.Jade.DotNetInterop;
using JadeSoftware.Joob.Client;
using JadeSoftware.Joob;
using <namespace-for-exposed-classes>;