Product Information > JADE .NET Developer’s Reference > Chapter 3 - Introductory Tutorial to JADE .NET > Designing the Form

Designing the Form

The instructions in this section enable you to design a form to add a customer and to display a list of customer names. The completed form layout is as follows.

  1. Add three Label controls and set the Content property to First Names, Last Name, and Address.

  2. Add three TextBox controls next to the labels and then set the Name to txtFirstNames, txtLastName, and txtAddress. In addition, set the Text property of the text boxes to be an empty string.

  3. Add a ListBox control and then set its Name to lstCustomers.

  4. Add a Button control with the name btnAdd and then set its Content property to Add.

  5. Add a Button control with the name btnRefresh and then set its Content property to Refresh.