Product Information > JADE .NET Developer’s Reference > Chapter 3 - Introductory Tutorial to JADE .NET > Adding References

Adding References

For the BankingApp project to work with the exposed classes in the BankingClasses project, a reference must be added to the BankingClass.dll that was built earlier. In addition, references to the JADE .NET framework DLLs must be added.

To simplify your application coding that uses classes from the referenced DLLs, using directives are added to the start of the MainWindow.xaml.cs file.

The following instructions add the required references and using directives.

  1. Right‑click on the BankingApp project then and select Add Reference. On the Reference Manager dialog, select BankingClasses from the solution assemblies.

  2. Using the Reference Manager again, add references to the following JADE .NET framework DLLs by browsing for their locations.

  3. Select the tab for the MainWindow.xaml.cs code file.

  4. Add the following using directives for namespaces to your code.

    using BankingClasses;
    using JadeSoftware.Joob;
    using JadeSoftware.Joob.Client;
    using JadeSoftware.Joob.Exceptions;
    using JadeSoftware.Jade.DotNetInterop;