Product Information > JADE .NET Developer’s Reference > Chapter 2 - Object Management > Investigating Deadlocks

Investigating Deadlocks

When a deadlock exception is thrown, the JoobDeadlockException object contains properties that allow analysis of the deadlock situation. This information includes a reference to the object for which the lock was requested and a reference to the object for which the other JADE session involved with the deadlock was waiting. (For details, see “JoobDeadlockException”, later in this chapter.)

For deadlocks involving more than two JADE sessions, there is no direct way to determine the JADE session that was requesting the lock on the object that the current JADE session has locked. However, to aid analysis, you can configure the JADE initialization file to cause deadlock exceptions to be thrown for both JADE sessions involved. (For details, see “Double Deadlock Exceptions”, earlier in this chapter.)

You can obtain additional information about deadlocks by configuring the [Log] section in the JADE initialization file to enable queue and lock tracing in the JADE message log files.