Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 9 - Using Skins to Enhance JADE Applications > JadeSkinArea Class

JadeSkinArea Class

The JadeSkinArea class, a subclass of the JadeSkinEntity class, defines the way in which a rectangular area is drawn.

The constants provided by the JadeSkinArea class are listed in the following table.

Constant Integer Value Constant Integer Value
BorderStyle_3DRaised 3 BorderStyle_3DSunken 2
BorderStyle_Images 4 BorderStyle_None 0
BorderStyle_Single 1    

For details about the JadeSkinArea class properties summarized in the following table, see Chapter 1 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.

Property Default Value Description
backColor Default_Color Background color of the area if the inner image is not supplied or it is not a brush
imgBorderBottomLeft Null Optional bottom left of the area
imgBorderBottomRight Null Optional bottom right of the area
imgBorderBottomStrip Null Optional bottom strip of the area
imgBorderLeftStrip Null Optional left strip of the area
imgBorderRightStrip Null Optional right strip of the area
imgBorderTopLeft Null Optional top left of the area
imgBorderTopRight Null Optional top right of the area
imgBorderTopStrip Null Optional top strip of the area
imgInner Null Optional inner image for the area
innerIsBrush True Specifies whether the optional inner image is a brush for the entire area or a centered image (set to true by default)

The following diagram illustrates the layout of a skin, which is made up of eight border segments and an inner segment.

A JadeSkinArea is drawn as follows.

Segments 3 and 6 determine the respective top and bottom heights of the border. Segments 7 and 8 determine the respective left and right widths of the border.

Unexpected results may occur if an image has a size that is inappropriate or does not correspond to a specific area.

A corner segment is drawn to its full height if the width is the same as the corresponding left or right strip. For example, segment 1 can be higher that segment 3, provided that segment 1 is the same width as segment 7. You can use this to achieve rounded border effects. For details, see "JadeSkinWindow Class", in the following section.

The following characteristics of the JadeSkinArea class are affected by additional subclass property values.

For details, see Chapter 1 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.