Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 9 - Using Skins to Enhance JADE Applications > FormsetApplicationSkin Method

Form::setApplicationSkin Method

The Form class setApplicationSkin method, which has the following signature, sets the skin for a specific form and its controls.

setApplicationSkin(skinapp: JadeSkinApplication);

When you call this method to set a skin for a form and all of its controls, the skins used to draw the form and its controls are from the application skin specified in the skinapp parameter and any skin set by calling the Application class setApplicationSkin is ignored for this form and its controls.

If the application skin of the form does not include an appropriate skin for a control type, that control is not drawn with a skin.

Any control that has had a specific skin set by calling the Control class setSkin method continues to use that specific skin. The form application skin is used only if the setSkin(null) instruction is subsequently called on that control.