Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 8 - Using Packages > Changing a Package by Using the Export Package Definition Wizard

Changing a Package by Using the Export Package Definition Wizard

Use the Export Package Definition Wizard to maintain an existing exported package selected in the Export Packages Browser.

To change an exported package

  1. Select the exported package in the Export Packages Browser.

  2. Select the Change command from the Packages menu.

The Export Package Definition Wizard is then displayed. For details about the Export Package Definition Wizard steps, see "Using the Export Package Definition Wizard to Define a Package", earlier in this chapter.

When you are changing an existing exported package, the Package Name text box in the Define Package sheet displays the name of your selected exported package.

You can also use the Export Package Browser to browse and maintain your exported packages. For details, see "Browsing and Maintaining an Exported Package", in the following section.