Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 7 - Using the Database Administration Framework > JadeDatabaseAdmin Class Constants and Methods Summary

JadeDatabaseAdmin Class Constants and Methods Summary

The JadeDatabaseAdmin class constants summarized in the following table can be used to develop your database administration user applications.

Constant Integer Value Description
BackupAbortedEvent 4000 Multiple file backup terminated by the user
BackupCancelledEvent 8000 Multiple file backup has been cancelled by the user
BackupCompleteEvent 3000 Multiple file backup has completed normally
BackupFailedEvent 9000 Multiple file backup has failed
FileBackupCompleteEvent 2000 File backup has finished
FileBackupStartEvent 1000 File backup has commenced
JournalTransferEvent 6000 Recovery journal file has been transferred
Mode_Archive 4 Database is in archive mode (journal files are archived for database recovery)
Mode_Default 9 Database is in default mode
Mode_Shared 0 Database is in shared mode
RpsStorageMode_Full 0 Persistent full database replica RPS data store mode
RpsStorageMode_MappedExtent 1 Persistent mapped extent RPS data store mode
RpsStorageMode_WorkingSet 2 Temporary working set RPS data store mode
Usage_NoAudit 2 Database is not in recovery mode
Usage_ReadOnly 1 Database cannot be updated; that is, it is in quiesced mode
Usage_Update 0 Changes can be made to the database

The JadeDatabaseAdmin class methods summarized in the following table can be used to develop your database administration user applications.

Method Description
abortBackup Terminates an online backup transaction
backupAllDbFiles Backs up all database files to a common directory
backupDbFiles Backs up selected file kinds to a common directory
backupJournal Copies the specified recovery journal file to backup
beginBackup Starts an online backup transaction
changeDbAccessMode Changes the access mode of the database
closeCurrentJournal Closes the current recovery journal file and switches to a new one
commitBackup Commits an online backup transaction
disableByteProgressEvents Disables operation and progress event notifications for the number of bytes of a file backed up
disableProgressEvents Disables progress event notifications for file backups
enableByteProgressEvents Enables operation and progress event notifications for the number of bytes of a file backed up
enableProgressEvents Enables progress event notifications for file backups
getAbortJournalNumber Returns the number of the journal containing the Begin Transaction record of the oldest active transaction
getAllDbFiles Populates an array with references to database files
getCreationTimestamp Returns the date and time the database was created
getCurrentJournalDirectory Returns the current recovery journal file directory
getCurrentJournalName Returns the current recovery journal file name
getCurrentJournalNumber Returns the current recovery journal file number
getDbFiles Populates an array with references to files of selected kinds
getLatestBackupTimestamp Returns the date and time the database was last backed up without error
getLatestFullBackupTimestamp Returns the date and time the entire database was last backed up without error
getOpenTimestamp Returns the most recent date and time the database was opened
isArchival Specifies whether archival recovery is enabled for the database
verifyJournal Verifies the consistency of the specified recovery journal file

For details, see "JadeDatabaseAdmin Class", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.