Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 4 - Collections Behavior and Tuning > Tuning the Block Size at Collection Type Level

Tuning the Block Size at Collection Type Level

You can specify the block size of a collection at the class level in one of the following ways.

For details, see "Tuning Collection Classes" under "Defining a Class", in Chapter 3 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide. See also "Tuning Collections at Development Time", later in this chapter.

The indirect option provides a simple way for you to indicate that JADE should use a block size determined heuristically. However, as a heuristic-based computation is not guaranteed to come up with an optimal solution, you can specify the number of entries in each block explicitly if you have the appropriate information to do so.

These options are mutually exclusive. If both are defined, the explicit block size takes precedence.