Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 4 - Collections Behavior and Tuning > Instance-Level Specification

Instance-Level Specification

When you specify the block size for a collection instance, the specified block size overrides the class default.

The instance-level block size is the initial size and collection blocks do not change size during their lifetime. Similarly, when you specify the load factor for a collection instance, the specified load factor is applied to the instance, overriding the class default.

This behavior can be summarized by the rules of precedence for block sizes listed in the following table. Class::MLB represents the maximum logical block size defined for the collection class.

Block Size at Instance Level (set dynamically at run time) Block Size at Class Level (set in the Define Class dialog) Collection Block Minimum Size Maximum
a b a a
Zero (0) b b b
Zero (0) Zero (0) 4 Class::MLB

The rules of precedence for the load factor are listed in the following table.

Instance-Level Load Factor Class-Level Load Factor Collection Load Factor
m n m
Zero (0) n n
Zero (0) Zero (0) Default (66 percent)